Valentine Vibes – Bruce Tournay

Valentine Vibes – Bruce Tournay

Online Worship Resources

Ascension’s 10:30 Am Service, live streamed & recorded
Ascension Donmills YouTube

Compline Zoomed Thursdays 7pm beginning September 19th

Forward Day By Day can be read online at:

Copies in regular and larger print are available at the Information Table.


ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Wednesday, Feb 12 6:30 pm Zoom to approve the proposed 2025 Budget for Vestry.

LAYING ON OF HANDS & ANOINTING FOR HEALING - Sunday,February 2, offered to all who is interested following your receiving communion.

THOMPSON HOUSE MEMORIAL SERVICE – Thursday, February 20th, 2 pm in the Parish Hall.

FEBRUARY FOOD BANK FOCUS – Focus Chickpeas! please leave your donation in the blue baskets in the Narthex

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER - Host Country, the Cook Islands – Theme: “I Made You Wonderful” Ps. 139:4 Friday, March 7th 10 am, Donway Covenant United Church.

2024 INCOME TAX RECEIPTS will be issued by the middle of February.

RIDES MINISTRY – Please contact the Office if you need a ride to or from the Church.

WOMEN SUPPORTING WOMEN, resumes January, 8th.

PROPERTY Committee Zoom – Tuesday, February 4th - 6:30 pm.

CORPORATION Zoom Tuesday –  February, 11th - 5:30 pm

THE BACK DOOR (Seneca Hill Entrance) of the church is open for Sunday worship.

FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR in memory of a loved one. – Sign the flower chart in the Red Book & contact the Office. $30 donation requested.

HELP KEEP THE AUMBRY CANDLE LIT – Donations in memory of a loved one welcomed. $10. Contact the Office or speak with Carol Hamilton.



• Pre-Authorized Remittance. Three reasons to consider PAR:
1) Eliminates the cost of offertory envelopes;
2) Offerings are still received due to absences or during times inclement weather
3) Reduces the task of weekly count

• Donating Stocks or Mutual Funds?
Contact the Church Office for more information

• Rector's Appeal
Help defray the cost to retile our parish hall, kitchen & chapel of over $45,000.

Donations to date @$14,000. Thank you for your support.

Continue to pray for all who are experiencing burnout, depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

Holy Spirit, guide people in their new realities and provide mental health care to those in need.  Allow struggling people to give themselves permission to find help. Prompt worn-out parents to speak words of kindness and encouragement to their children. Help children and youth find creative ways to talk with loved ones about their fears and anxieties. Be very present to those who are still isolated from life-giving community.  Amen. (World Vision)

Welcome to Café 65!

Café 65 is a special place for seniors in Don Mills to have lunch together, create new friendships, make new contacts and become more informed about what is happening in our community.
Lunch and light entertainment is offered, with opportunities for conversation and activities focusing on topics of interest to seniors. Your preference in activities (such as games, video presentations, speakers on health matters) will help us shape our program!

We invite you to spread the word and bring your friends along!

Church of the Ascension
33 Overland Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 2C3
Reservations preferred but come if you can 416-444-8881

Ongoing Christian fellowship in a relaxed and friendly setting...
Donations to support our program development are gratefully accepted.
Please make cheque payable to “Church of the Ascension”, marked “Café 65”.


Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in our relationship with God, ourselves, others, and all creation. Every experience in our lives can provide us with the opportunity to express our faith; the challenge we face is recognizing these opportunities and learning ways to live a sometimes countercultural life in a secular world. Fr. Nick will be offering sessions for children and adults.  If you are interested for yourself or a child, please sign up at the information table or contact Fr. Nick directly


Warner Hart co-ordinator of our Thursday Morning Bible Study Group is making available to the congregation the same lectionary guide he uses on Thursday morning. Lectionary notes will be available the Sunday before the scheduled readings in both hard copy and via email. If you are interested in receiving an emailed copy, please contact the Church Office.