Welcome to Ascension!

For almost 60 years the Church of the Ascension has served God by reaching out to our neighbors in caring and supportive ways with the love of Christ. We are a community of ordinary people blessed in wisdom, rich in humor, with an abiding affection for each other, working to build a better world. There are no perfect people at the Ascension, and you don’t have to be one either to be part of the Ascension.

Christ comes to all of us just as we are – and gives us the grace not to stay that way. Through worship and service, through laughter and prayer and pastoral care, we help each other grow more and more into the image of Christ.

$ 5.00
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Donation Total: $5.00


Need Prayer?

No matter what you’re facing,
we’d love to pray with you!

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Want to Volunteer?

At Ascension we're always looking for volunteers
to help with our various activities around the Church.

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Prayer of the Season!

When the day of Pentecost came, the believers were all together in one place.

ACTS 2:1

Our Ministries

Diocesan Youth Program

Children & Youth

Parish Life

A Place to Grow & Serve

Worship Services

All are Welcome


All Women are Invited

Women Supporting Women

We are here to Help

I’m New Here

Information for New Members

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