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to Jesus and Each Other

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We are a people passionate about many things:
  1. Serving God and people
  2. Children and Families
  3. Prayer
  4. Learning and growing
  5. Being Inclusive our embrace is wide
  6. Worship which is diverse
  7. Social Justice

Our History

Aenean auctor wisi et urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac turpis. Donec sit amet eros.

History of Ascension

The Church of the Ascension is an Anglican Church, joyously seeking to grow in God’s love and to demonstrate the greatness of Christ by meeting the needs of our diverse community through the guidance of the Holy Spirit

The Church of the Ascension has been active in the community for over fifty-five years. Work started in 1953 to make Don Mills a dream suburb. Families were attracted to modern homes and spacious areas for their children to play, – many were Anglicans.

The first services, were held in the home of Dr. W. Gooderham in Oct. 1954. As numbers grew services were moved to the Don Mills School under Rev. W. Leach, and later moved to Bethesda United Church . On Sept. 2, 1956 Rev. George Thompson, conducted the first service in what we know as the Church of the Ascension. Rev. Thompson was often seen, walking along muddy streets, knocking on doors to welcome new comers.

The parish hall was added on in 1963-64, and has served many functions over the years: (youth groups, Sunday school, badminton, dinner dances, rummage sales, coffee hour fellow- ship after services, food banks etc.) The hall has a kitchen, office for our secretary, and a connecting passage way to Thompson House Seniors Residence.

The church became very involved in the Don Mills Foundation for Seniors. “DMF” is Thompson House, a long-term care facility, and Taylor Place , a day center for seniors, both of which are attached to our church. The church originally sold the land to DMF to build on and has an ongoing relationship with the residents of Thompson House. The church set up a program called “Christian companions” with volunteers who visit resident members on a regular basis.

Since 1955 we have had five priests (and a few interims): Rev. Cannon Thompson, Rev. B. Brightling, Cannon Logan Varey, Rev. Cannon Murray Henderson and presently, Rev. Nicholas Morkel, who came to us in early 2009.

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