ASH WEDNESDAY – Holy Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes , Wednesday, March 5th at 10 am
YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICE – Sunday, March 16th at the 10:30 am Service
KING CHARLES III CORONATION MEDAL CEREMONY Sunday, March 16th time & place tba. Bill Hullah and other recipients will be acknowledged for their public service.
TUESDAY BIBLE BASED DISCUSSIONS Newcomers are invited to join this friendly group on Tuesdays at 10:30 am.
JAMACIAN BEEF PATTIES ARE BACK – $2 Enjoy a warm & delicious patty following the 10:30 am service.
WOMEN SUPPORTING WOMEN – Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. Contact the Office for more information.
PRAYER REQUESTS For Prayer requests during 2024, please email Fr. Nick with your name, birthday, and one-line describing your prayer request.
CONFIRMATION & REAFFIRMATION OF BAPTISMAL VOWS. Please speak with Rev. Nick if interested. Classes will be on Zoom and in-person.